2023年8月21日 星期一


直接複製原始碼到VB裡執行, 如果不會操作,請看小弟影片介紹, 如果可以也請按讚訂閱分享, 讓我擁有更多鼓勵可以製作分享更多優良的備課方法及影片。 Copy the source code directly into VB and run it. If you don't know how to operate, please watch my video introduction. If possible, please like, subscribe, and share, so that I can have more encouragement to create and share more excellent lesson preparation methods and videos. Sub 填充取代() Dim 查找 As String, 替換 As String, i As Long, n As Long, 詞彙數量 As Long 查找 = InputBox("請輸入要查找的關鍵字,用「、」隔開", "取代") 替換 = InputBox("請輸入要替換的關鍵字,用「、」隔開", "取代") Dim FindList() As String, ReplaceList() As String FindList = Split(查找, "、") ReplaceList = Split(替換, "、") n = UBound(FindList) 詞彙數量 = n + 1 ' 計算詞彙數量 ' 在第二個對話框中需要取代的欄位裡加上符合詞彙數量的下劃線 替換 = String(詞彙數量, "_") For i = 0 To n Selection.Find.ClearFormatting Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting With Selection.Find .Text = FindList(i) .Replacement.Text = 替換 .Forward = True .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Format = False .MatchCase = False .MatchWildcards = False End With Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll Next i End Sub

